Jesus my Beloved

If I was to get a tattoo, it would be of the words Beloved. I remember the first time I heard Tenth Avenue North song ‘Beloved’, my life was forever changed. I heard God call out to me as His beloved and I believed it before then I had not processed the depth of the… Continue reading Jesus my Beloved

Guess who’s back? Tell a friend!

  I have not written in over two years! Two years people! That is way too long. Many things have happened since then, and many others have changed the one thing that hasn’t is my love for exclamations marks! You know that song slow fade? Yes/no? There is a line in there that says, ‘it’s… Continue reading Guess who’s back? Tell a friend!

That one dream that scares me so much I am afraid to share with anyone else

A little over a year ago my friend asked me a question that has stuck with me to date, I think about it a lot as I process it, I try to  answer it and  harder to believe my own response. She asked what my big dream was, that one dream that scares me so… Continue reading That one dream that scares me so much I am afraid to share with anyone else